Friday, March 10, 2006

Back in Korea

Hello there my blogging fans :-P  I know I know, it’s been a long time.  Well, I’m back in Korea and I’ve got my first week of Lila under my belt.  Shut-up, of course there’s room under there. :-P  I’m now getting back into a rhythm and it’s nice.  I’m working even more hours this year as we are short a foreign teacher.  Anyone want to come and teach?

Today was an interesting day.  I’m going to be on TV.  Yep, I’m becoming famous what can I say.  :-)  A Korean TV company called Airing TV came to Lila and are making a short documentary about our school, and as their most experienced English Teacher, Airing came into my classroom and taped me teaching.  I’m going to be on TV
:-)  How about that!  It’s a good thing I didn’t have to spell anything in class today.  :-P

It’s good to be back.  I’m enjoying my students again this year.  I was able to continue teaching my favorite class, though they don’t know that they are my favorite.  It’s a class of middle school students that are very mature for their age and is a conversational class.  I really enjoy this class for two reasons; one, the students themselves are great, and two, I can actually teach them things, important things, life things, not just English.  We do a weekly Bible study in that class.  :-)  Now that’s fun!

Blessings to you all,



At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

crazy crazy no more eggs!!!!!
Gwen I hear you callin....
Mel has left the building!
goodnight and .............
Danielle and me....sleeping at 11pm on sat........

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not seeing a need to check regularly since its now been 2+ weeks since Ken has updated us on life in Korea . . . . sigh . . .

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to report that it's the latter, the teachers version. I have about 3 blogs bouncing around in my head that I need to write. As it is I'm teaching 10 hours a day and I have to move this weekend. I wasn't supposed to move until the mid of April but now I'm moving twice.

If you can believe this, I'm actually going to a smaller apartment! The rent went up in my building so they need to move me. Oh so much work ahead of me. I know I'll need to scrub the new place down before I get "moved in" and then I'll have to do it again in a few weeks. Blaaaaa! I'm all for cleaning, but when you move to a knew apartment it seems the previous tennents didn't know how to clean and you are left with the grime of decades to scrub away.

Ok, I'm done cryin, sorry I haven't written. I'm going to bed.


At 2:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the prayers. Unfortunately the 10 hour days are the norm, until that is, we hire another teacher. Does anyone out there know of a Christian who wants to teach in Korea? The pay is 2.2 million Won a month and housing is also furnished. Said person would work about 120 hours a month. Working conditions good. Very friendly foreign teachers to work with, one of which is pretty darn handsome if I say so myself. ;-)

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 120 hours a month? Sign me up! :) ( dont really sign me up - - -but what a vacation that would be to only work 120 hours per month. . . )


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